Math teachers McVeety and Boulger engage in a book club together

Upper School math teachers Jim McVeety (left) and Bill Boulger (right) have been in a book club together for a number of years
Reading can be a pivotal aspect of any classroom experience, and for that reason, the joy of reading can get jumbled up and lost amongst its burdensome connection to classwork. But for Upper School math teacher Jim McVeety, reading has become a paramount routine in his daily life. So much so that McVeety has been a part of a book club for 31 years.
“Reading is really important to me, I’ve been a member of a book group that’s been meeting even longer than I’ve been a member of it, but I’ve been a member of this group since 1985,” McVeety said.
McVeety sees the group as an opportunity to combine his love of reading with a healthy and social atmosphere that nurtures conversation about the text and as a result, allows for a deeper appreciation of each book by “trying to expand our horizons as a group,” McVeety said.
The choice of text varies but McVeety says that best-seller lists can be a good guide. “We’ve read widely from classics to current best-sellers with an emphasis on those sorts of things you’d find in The New York Times best books list,” McVeety said.
In terms of a theme or constant, McVeety says that the group focused specifically on historic nonfiction for a period of time. “Our favorite book would be Robert Caro’s Biography of Lyndon Johnson … There’s a heavy political interest in the group,” McVeety said.
Among other intriguing aspects of the book club, McVeety revealed that the group has one member who should be well known at St. Paul Academy and Summit School; Upper School math teacher Bill Boulger. The two have been in the group together for many years and McVeety concurs that the experience has only reinforced his love for reading. “It’s been a really great experience; I’ve always loved to read,” he said.

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