Art galleries have a unique power to narrate the tales of local artists. The La.dy.Like Experimental Art project, at SPA Drake Art Gallery, unveils a digitized feminine realm. This groundbreaking initiative was curated by La.dy.Like. La.dy.Like is a trio: Andrea Bagdon, Spencer Gillespie, and Bo Young. The Drake art gallery showcases the creative genius of artists such as Shawna Lee, Ellen Muller, Ivonne Yanez, Dustin Steuck, and Sarah Maricha White. aims to redefine digital spaces and challenge traditional notions of femininity in art. They deliberately move away from the predominantly patriarchal canon that has characterized digital art in the past, striving to amplify a diverse range of voices.
La.dy.Like hoped to shed light on multi-faceted aspects of the feminine identity. Together, the works of women, transpeople, and African Americans converge to illuminate different dimensions of digital art. Andrea Bagdon one of the featured artists, and core member of, expresses her pride in the project’s success, stating, “We are giving platforms to a lot of queer-identifying and female-identifying artists in the Twin Cities and that’s something I’m super proud of in the show.”
Together they explore post-cyber feminism and glitch feminism. The term “cyberfeminism” was coined in 1991 by a group of radicals seeking to challenge the prevailing patriarchal structures. However, it’s worth noting that early cyberfeminist works were primarily created by white women. La.dy.Like is determined to rewrite this narrative by exploring the socio-technological construction of gender and sexuality, along with the generative potential of glitches, malfunctions, and errors within the social machine. The trippy artwork showcases these glitches. Juliana Enright, a key contributor, emphasized the project’s focus on “95% all digital art and tech-focused art.”
The La.dy.Like Experimental Art project at SPA represents a powerful reimagining of digital artistry and femininity. It seeks to diversify and democratize the world of digital art by amplifying the voices of those historically underrepresented in the field. Through the exploration of post-cyber feminism and glitch art, this project invites viewers to question existing norms and celebrate the rich tapestry of identities in the art world.
They came to SPA through the third member Spencer Gillespie, they are a US-art teacher and have worked at the SPA for the last 2 years. SPA chooses a regional artist expedition every year, that this year was Gillespies chance at choosing the artist. Gillespie works collaboratively with Bagdon as a part of Laddlike. Gillespie wanted to give a platform to as many artists as possible and achieved this with ladylike presents.
Are you curious about the transformative potential of digital art and its connection to questions of gender and identity? The La.dy.Like SPA project, open from Oct. 5th to Nov. 4rd, offers a thought-provoking journey into this fascinating realm. Explore their gallery to experience glitch art like never before and join the conversation on the evolving landscape of art and feminine identity.