Junior Class Leadership Council plans junior retreat
The Junior Class Leadership Council’s 10 members and two advisors work once a week to plan junior-specific events, but one of the biggest projects is the Junior Retreat.
The over-night retreat occurs in April and is a time when the entire junior class comes together in hopes of strengthening the community.
Led by advisors Mary Lincoln and Sophie Kerman, the group sent out a survey to juniors on Jan. 25. The survey touched on goals for the retreat, asked for adjectives to describe the grade, and more. The group hopes to use this information to have a more productive retreat.
At their Feb. 9 meeting, JCLC began reading student responses and going through the information. “We are analyzing the data and presenting it to the junior advisors,” JCLC member Maya Kachian said.
Another part of the retreat is getting class t-shirts. Each senior class receives their class shirts at the retreat the year before, but until then, the design of the t-shirt is top-secret. At their meeting on Feb. 9 however, the t-shirt color was finalized.
After the Junior Retreat, JCLC’s next major project is planning Prom.

Clare Tipler is the Production Manager for RubicOnline. Tipler loves telling her classmates' stories and meeting members of the community she normally...