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Jake Me Out to the Ballgame is a monthly sports column by Sports Editor Jake Adams.
Well…this is it. It’s hard for me to even fathom the fact that this is my last The Rubicon piece I will ever write. These last 3 years on The Rubicon have been some of the most enjoyable moments of my time in high school. I will never forget the staff that I have had the privilege to work with and I will never forget our advisor, Ms. Campbell. She has been the rock of this publication and I can never thank her enough for the time she has spent working with us. I especially want to thank all of you, everyone who is reading this. Our job would be meaningless without the support of all of our classmates, faculty, and parents. While the future is blurry for some, mine is clear for the next 4 years. I will be attending St. John’s University in Collegeville, MN. I will be playing football and pursuing a career in communications. Hopefully I can use my experience on this publication to help me on my journey.
Now this wouldn’t be a true “Jake Me Out to the Ballgame” column if I didn’t give my opinion on athletics. As this will be my last time posting, I want to give everyone out there some advice: play a sport.
Now, in no way am I forcing you to sign up and spend all of your free time on a sport; I’m simply telling you that athletics can give you the experience of a lifetime. I played two sports over the course of my time at SPA, football and baseball, and I can tell you that I would never trade that time I spent on those teams for anything in the world: I found a family on the football field, I learned leadership, I learned to stay humble and keep moving forward, and I learned that doughnuts before a Saturday baseball practice were a really bad idea.
Athletics changed my life; I don’t know where I’d be today without those teams. You may not have the same experience as me, but you’ll never know what can be discovered about yourself through the world of sports.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone who read this column.
This has been the last edition of “Jake Me Out to the Ballgame.”
Jake Adams