Intercultural Club diversifies assemblies with music choice
Sophomores Karla Garcia and Tana Ososki introduce the songs played at each Blue & Gold Assembly.
For sophomores Tana Ososki and Karla Garcia, school assemblies are more than just announcements and senior speeches. As Intercultural Club Music Gurus, it is their chance to expose the school to music from all over the world. Just two months into school, Ososki and Garcia have played songs from several different countries and are excited to be sharing them with everyone.
“Everyone has a type of music that they enjoy, and it’s good to get out of your comfort zone and listen to new things. Also just listening to artists from different places, backgrounds and experiences than you do, is a cool way to embrace different cultures,” Ososki said.
As members of Intercultural Club, Garcia and Ososki were interested in being more involved and running for leadership positions. They decided to run to be IC music gurus because they thought it would be fun and less stressful than other positions.
“Karla and I had talked about [being IC music gurus] together just because it sounded like a lot of fun… We were interested in playing more international music,” Ososki said.
Garcia and Ososki have both had a lot of fun both choosing the songs and seeing people’s reactions to the songs.
“I love announcing the songs. I’m always kind of embarrassed to go up, but I love when it’s for someone’s senior speech, and then they’re like ‘Oh my gosh! My friends requested it for me!’ It’s always super cute to see the reactions,” Garcia said.
Anyone can request to have a song played in an assembly. “There’s a link in the blue-sheet that’s put up every Wednesday through Friday, or you can just email me or Tana. IC is trying to make an Instagram currently so the link is going to be on there soon. The bulletin board will have a request sheet soon too.” Garcia said.

Liv Larsen is a Feature editor on RubicOnline. This is her fourth year on staff. She has been staying busy during the pandemic by watching (too many) movies,...