The recent slime craze has some sense behind it. Something about mixing this viscous concoction into a pleasant texture is extremely rewarding. News Editor Audrey Jansen guides viewers through this journey with tips and tricks along the way.
[HOW TO] Got time? Make slime.
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About the Contributors

Audrey Jansen, News Editor
Audrey Jansen (she/her) went camping in the Boundary Waters for a week this summer. She was able to canoe and portage around the many lakes and is excited to return next summer.
Jansen works as a News Editor on RubicOnline and can be reached at

Nora McKoy, Rubicon TV Producer
Nora McKoy (she/her) loves spending her free time with friends or testing out a new recipe for Starbucks cake pops she found online. She also enjoys exploring her different passions from volleyball to baking to making slime. At school, McKoy is involved in the Junior Class Student Council (JCLC), Community Action Service Club (CAS), and is on the varsity volleyball team. McKoy works as Rubicon TV Producer on RubicOnline and can be reached at