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Honors Council holds student body to a higher standard

FIRST MEETING. The newly named Honors Council starts the year off by hosting its first meeting.
FIRST MEETING. The newly named Honors Council starts the year off by hosting its first meeting.
Murphy Miltner

At SPA, one of the most integrated elected/selected groups is the Honors Council, formerly known as the Committee for Community Conduct or C3. The purpose of this name-change is to make a student-led group that is centered around disciplinary action and consequences.

Two representatives from each grade meet during X-period during elected/selected times to discuss the different issues that the council needs to address.
The sophomore class representatives are Olivia Andres and Sam Galarneault. This year, they aim to focus the Honors Council on the connection and impact that C3 lacked in years past.

“Sam and I were both grade-level representatives from C3 last year, so it’s been interesting to watch the council shift into a more student-centered group,” Andres said. “Honors Council allows us to discuss small problems in the community and think about how we can fix them in the best way possible.”

Junior Luwam Mebrahtu is new to the council. She said, “To me, being on the honor council means that I hold myself to a higher academic and social standard, and to really think about my actions before they are done.”

This year, the student representatives will have a higher influence on the student disciplinary trials than in years past.

“It feels like you and the teachers are equals in this group, like we all have a voice in the council. We get to hold trials for students that are in breach of the handbook and other policies.” junior Charlotte Talbot said.

The main difference between C3 and Honors Council is that the Council members believe that this group will have more of an influence on the school’s culture and community.

“We will talk to students and listen and apply their perspectives into our solutions for the issues that are happening in our school,” Andres said.

The council works with Dean of Students Stacy Tepp and faculty representatives Pete Daniels and Mallory Schmidt.

UPDATE: this story was edited for style and to remove editorializing.

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