IRRIGATION ISSUES. Midfielder Kate Tuttle (‘28) stands, patiently waiting as the SPA grounds crew works to get the sprinklers turned off. In an unexpected turn of events, the field’s sprinkler system went off before the referee even had a chance to blow the first whistle, but after a nearly ten-minute delay, the impromptu rain ceased and the game was soon underway.
In their semifinal matchup against St. Croix Lutheran, GVS was able to pull off yet another win in this sectional tournament, this time dominating their opponent 1-0. Throughout the game, the team had a constant hold on possession, only giving away one or two chances to St. Croix Lutheran near the end of the game. With an early goal in the seventh minute, junior Clare Ryan-Bradley perfectly placed a shot into the bottom left corner of the net while on a breakaway, giving the Spartans the goal that they needed to clinch a spot in the Section 3A final.