[HEAD IN THE GAME] Football without fans: how players are adapting
The football season for SMB wolfpack has resumed under strict COVID-19 regulations. Like most sports amid COVID-19, fans at home games have been limited to 2-3 fans per player, leaving the stands pretty empty. This has affected the game dynamic for some players, especially as there is no student section cheering the team on.
“The student section was always filled last year, but this year there are maybe 10 people in the student section,” sophomore Brody Rindelaub said. “There are a lot more parents because each player is allowed two parents, and I think they said they allow around 250 total fans.”
The game dynamic has definitely changed for players, as there aren’t as many friends or peers at games to watch and support the players.
“If you make a good play, your teammates will hype you up, but you’re not gonna hear your friends and stuff screaming from the stands, so yeah, I wish there could be more fans because it just makes you feel better about your performance,” Rindelaub said.
Home games for SMB Wolfpack take place at Blake, which has a limited fan section of 250 people. Parents of players are allowed, but all other fans have to be on a list to get into the game.
All games are however broadcasted on a livestream. Wolfpack has their next game at home on Friday, October 30th at 6:00 pm.
Head in the game is a monthly column by The Rubicon Sports Editor Hazel Waltenbaugh. It addresses issues of health and athletics. Have a subject you’d like addressed? Contact Hazel at [email protected].

Hi!! I joined The Rubicon as a Sports Editor during my sophomore year. Junior year I started as the News Editor for our print section, and for my senior...