Film Club features classic award winners in “Study Break with Oscar” series

lincolnblues – Flickr Creative Commons

Every Tuesday and Thursday in February, Film Club has offered a film screening of an Oscar award-winning classic. The final film, screens Thursday at 3:30 in the Lecture Room.

Study Beak with Oscar is a series of film club sponsored movie showings that have been held all throughout the month of February on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The club meets right after school at 3:30  in the Lecture Room which makes it much easier for those interested in going to attend: “It’s more accessible for people who are swamped with homework,” said Film Club co-President Miriam Tibbets.

Tibbets explains that typically it has been difficult for those who were interested in Film Club to come to Wednesday nights movie showings at 6:00 p.m. because of people’s other commitments and the struggle for some students to find transportation home.

The group’s goal with the Oscar film series is to expose fellow movie lovers to films that they may not have known existed. The movies shown are movies that either won the Oscar for Best Picture or were nominated for the Best Picture award.

The films started on Feb. 9 and will most likely go until the end of the school year.

Study break with Oscar movies to date:

  • Tues, 2/9 – You Can’t Take It With You (1938)
  • Thurs, 2/11 – Rebecca (1940)
  • Tues, 2/16 – All About Eve (1950)
  • Thurs, 2/18 – The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
  • Tues, 2/23 – Rocky (1976)
  • Thurs, 2/25 – TBD