Submitted Photo: Bokii Mullataa
PIZZA PREPARATION. Junior Bokii Mullataa is a pizza professional after working at Domino's this summer.
Jobs over the summer for high school students have always been a staple part of the summer experience for kids of many generations. Jobs range from being a gardener to being a ride operator at an amusement park. Many kids want to make some money for themselves over the summer while school is not in session. SPA students are no exception, and many students worked over this past summer.
summer jobs
Junior Fletcher Coblentz worked at CHS Field in downtown St. Paul with the St. Paul Saints: “I worked with fan services, both ushering and working at the play zone,” Coblentz said. “I actually really enjoyed my job; I thought it was a lot of fun and it paid pretty well.”
Coblentz’s job at CHS Field was to essentially help facilitate the play area in which little kids at the baseball field could play and let out energy. He would also help any fans at the game if they needed help with directions or had any questions about the team or the stadium. “Working with kids was pretty nice because kids are a lot easier to deal with than adults most of the time. I also got to work with my friend, Peter Ostrem, which was great,” Coblentz said.
Coblentz worked at CHS field in intervals over the summer for most of its duration, earning himself some cash, and essentially being able to see baseball games on an almost regular basis for a few months.
Senior Maddie Pierce worked at a preschool over the summer: “I worked at a preschool called Children’s Country Day School. I worked with a lot of three-year-olds and six-year-olds,” Pierce said.
Pierce’s job over the summer is unique in how it involves working in education as a teenager. The job satisfied her desire to be around children and help them learn and grow.
Junior Bokii Mullataa worked at Domino’s Pizza. Domino’s is an international pizza chain that serves fast and relatively cheap pizza for customers. “I made pizzas at Domino’s over the summer. I found making pizzas to be pretty fun,” Mullataa said.
Mullataa worked in the kitchen at Domino’s, making the sauce, kneading the dough and putting toppings on the pizzas. “I also got paid pretty well and liked most of my coworkers. For me it was overall worthwhile and was a great use of my time during the summer,” Mullataa said.
Getting a job over the summer has always been a great opportunity for high school students. Students get to make money, learn new skills and meet new people. These three students found their experiences to be very rewarding, and hope that others might consider getting summer jobs, too.