[MUSIC REVIEW] Eilish’s new album shows noticeable shift from 2016
Billie Eilish will perform in Minneapolis on June 8 at The Armory.
Since 2016 when she released her debut song “Ocean Eyes” on Soundcloud Billie Eilish has become widely popular, especially among teens. Since “Ocean Eyes” she has released an EP, don’t smile at me, that brought Billie listeners some popular songs such as “Bellyache,” “my boy,” and many others. Now, she has recently released her first album, WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?. Many songs from her new album have already reached the top charts, including, “Bad Guy,” “Bury a Friend,” “When The Party’s Over,” all of which are in the top 50 of Billboards Top 100.
After her release on Mar. 28, there have been many different opinions on the songs in the album and how they compare to her previous songs. In WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?, I feel that I can tell that Billie is able to transform and express her emotions in a new way. In her previous songs such as “Ocean Eyes,” you can hear her airy and peaceful voice contrasting with the steady beats, piano, and bass tracks in the background. In WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?, we hear a different side of Billie’s backtracks and voice where she is using more complicated background tracks to add to the emotion in her voice. Many people are saying that they liked her old music like “Ocean Eyes” better, but the problem with this is that although her new music is different than her old, she is also four years older now than she was when she first wrote “Ocean Eyes”. In this situation although some may no longer enjoy her new music, as listeners we are experiencing Billie adapting her music along with her growing life experiences and lessons.
When you first begin to listen to Billie’s new album, her introduction piece, “!!!!!!!” sets the tone for the rest of the album with its unique beginning starting with, “QUOTE” a quote that Billie says in “!!!!!!!”. The start of the album signifies to listener that this album will be a change of tone from Billie’s previous more airy and less harsh lyrics and back tracks. Although this is a change, her new style provides a contrast between the lyrics and the background sounds/ music that enhances her new music. This style she new style she sets up early on in the album continues all throughout till the end of “Goodbye.”
Even though there’s a noticeable difference between this new music and her other music, I would definitely recommend this album to others. This album deserves a listen, even if you haven’t liked her previous music, or aren’t sure if you will like the new album, give it a chance.
3 out of 5 stars