Distance from distractions makes driving safer
A sign made by SADD at the Huss Center’s parking lot exit reminds people to not text and drive.
October 31, 2018
Every day in the United States, more than one thousand people are injured and approximately nine people are killed in accidents involving distracted driving, according to statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that “In 2016, teens were the largest age group reported as distracted at the time of fatal crashes.”
Saint Paul Academy and Summit School’s Supervisor of Safety and Security, Craig Kosse, suggests that students can take steps to improve their safe driving habits. According to Kosse, these steps include “not using their cellphones while they are driving, stopping completely at our stop signs, and looking for pedestrians as they are crossing the street.” Kosse points out that drop off and pick up at Huss and Davern entrances are the most accident-prone times and locations at SPA.
One group of students at SPA who recognize the seriousness of distracted driving is Students Against Destructive Decisions.
“Our whole idea is to encourage constructive not destructive decisions,” student leader of SADD Helen Bartlett said.
SADD is trying to address the problem through interactions with the SPA community. For example, in April, for Distracted Driving Awareness Month, SADD members tie red ribbons to car door handles in SPA parking lots as a reminder to practice safe driving habits. Another project that SADD is working on is to have students pledge to drive safely and in exchange receive a sticker.
“Driving a motor vehicle is a huge responsibility,” Kosse said, “and one that should be taken seriously.”