Peter Blanchfield
Discipline Committee hopes this new form will help them stay proactive.
Discipline Committee is an organization which, for years, has been a place where no news was good news. When no news came out of DC, in other words when no one was appearing in front of DC, the school was functioning well. But now, DC wants to take a more active stance in celebrating the good things that students are doing.
Their most recent attempt to become more active was by sending out a form through email that asked for student’s to send in response parsing fellow classmates for acts of kindness.
“We worked on the form for two weeks. We wanted to make sure it was designed well,” DC co-president Emma Truman said.
The form was designed to highlight students who don’t get the credit they deserve for their kindness.
DC plans to take some of the best responses from the form and post them around the school for the entire student body to see. The responses that are not chosen to be showcased will still be sent to the students who were nominated by their peers.
“DC decided to make this form in an effort to continue to be more proactive and also to provide some examples of students positively embodying school values,” Truman said.
The form is still open, and while some people have already written responses DC is still hoping for more.
“About 15 people responded to the survey, but we are hoping for a few more,” Truman said.
The form can be found here