Cum Laude society inductees announced
Senior Cum Laude society inductees pose for a group photo. “I’ve been in classes with all of these people before, and they’re all smart and good students,” senior George Stiffman said.
November 4, 2015
St. Paul Academy hosted its second annual Cum Laude Breakfast to honor 10 senior students on Oct. 8. These students exceeded academic expectations and leading their grade in and outside the classroom. Students were rewarded for their achievements in class, their participation in extracurricular activities, and their contributions to the larger community.
Seniors George Stiffman, Anna Biggs, Elizabeth Bukingolts, Michelle Heilig, Rachel Hotvedt, Netta Kaplan, Vanessa Miller, Jack Romans, Maya Smith, and Claire Walsh gathered to receive their awards and be welcomed into the elite society.
Senior George Stiffman said that the assembled group was just a small sampling of the academic talent in the grade: “I’ve been in classes with all of these people before, and they’re all smart and good students. I’ve been in class with plenty of other people, too, though, who are just as smart and studious as anyone in the group. It’s nice to be recognized.”
Secretary of the SPA Cum Laude Society Mickey Scott was emotional when talking about the students who were inducted this year. “It’s thrilling to see these students be recognized for their hard work. I get emotional thinking about the fact that I have had these students since freshman year and see how much they’ve changed over the years.”
The Cum Laude Society was created in 1906 with the goal of honoring scholastic achievements in secondary schools. Since its founding, Cum Laude has grown to 382 chapters with approximately 24 of them being public schools. Their presence reaches countries such as Canada, England, France, Spain, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
This year marks was the 20th year since the Cum Laude society of SPA’s membership but only the second year of honoring the top 10% of the class at a breakfast. Scott can’t take all the credit for this early event, “I give credit where it is due and I must give credit to US Secretary Annie Harness who has helped me prepare this event and organize it over the computer. …US Principal Chris Hughes has also been a great help in the preparation of this event., He really kicked it off.”
Stiffman gave advice to students who hope to join the society, “If you want to join the society, you have to work hard with your studies.”
Cum Laude honors the top 20% of students in a grade level. The remaining senior inductees will be announced in May.