Boys baseball faces underpopulated varsity and JV teams
Senior Ryan Moore works on his hitting mechanics during a practice last season.
What happens when there aren’t enough players for a team? The Saint Paul Academy and Summit School baseball program is facing a problem with the number of boys wanting to join this spring. The team is expecting not to have enough players to field a JV team. The coaches, as well as the players, are hoping that they will be able to get boys to join especially the 9th graders.
“I’ve already been attempting to get people to either join baseball or just start playing again by asking them everyday but my influence doesn’t span all the way to the 9th grade which currently I only know of two players who are going to play,” said Junior Josh Meitz.
Josh Meitz has many aspirations for the baseball team. He is a pitcher and this year he’s hoping to play first base. Last year, he played left field. Next year, he’s hoping to become a captain for the team. There’s been a lot of stress among the teammates who worry that they won’t have enough players for two teams which would result in less support. If the team is unable to field a JV team, there will be too many people on varsity therefore it will become increasingly difficult to give everyone on the team equal playing time.
“I think we just need anyone who is interested to come out and try the sport to see if they like it. It’s a fun time and you get to be outside with the boys,” said Junior Sean Edstrom.
Not only are the players concerned for their team’s turnout, but so are the coaches.
“If we have two levels with small rosters sizes, then we will have kids playing on both levels in accordance with MSHSL participation bylaws, I know in the spirit of our community we will ‘roll with the punches,’” said SPA Athletic Director, Dawn Wickstrum.
The coaches do not want to create unnecessary anxiety for the team by stressing them out due to numbers, so they have kept a optimistic attitude this year for the baseball outcome. They have high hopes for the future, but the players don’t all feel the same way yet.
“I am sad because the game I love to play isn’t widely seen as a fun game, rather boring and unathletic. Everyone on the team is just hoping to have at least a JV and varsity this year,” said Meitz.
The team’s future depends on their turn out and they want to have a successful season.
“If you want to join baseball, email me,” Meitz said.

Meagan Massie is the Issues editor on The Rubicon. This is her third year on staff. She is passionate about providing a diverse perspective on the way...