Boys and Girls golf drive towards a succesful season
With no seniors lost, and their young stars a year older, the already successful Spartan golf team looks forward to a benchmark year. Led by senior captains Cal Nicholson and Noah Parker, the team hopes to make another state run this year.
Last year freshman Drew O’Hern and senior Noah Parker qualified for state with an impressive score of 160 shots over 36 holes. That’s 80 per 18 holes which is around 8-10 more shots per round than professionals. If one more player on the team is able to score in this low range, the entire team will get to go to state.
“I’m optimistic about the team, I think we’re going to get those scores, and our guys will make it to state,” O’Hern said. According to O’Hern possible candidates to reach this impressive range are senior Cal Nicholson and freshman Colin O’Hern. The team will participate in 15 competitions leading up to the state tournament in June.
With all players retained, and a brand new head coach, the Spartan girl’s golf team shares the a similar as their male counterparts. On top of that, the three best teams, Visitation, St. Crois Lutheren, and Providence left their conference, opening new opportunities for the team’s stars.
“[Junior] Annette Vargas, [sophomore] Cait Gibbons, and [freshman] Kathryn Schmechel will have better chances in the conference,” Junior Captain Delany Carter said. The girls look to rebound from a disappointing season last year. “We’re excited about the new opportunities in our conference and hope to see more success for the whole team” junior Annette Vargas said.

Catherine Braman is a Junior at St. Paul Academy and Summit School. Catherine served as Online EIC for first semester 2014 and was a co-Sports Editor...

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