Graham balances three acts at Circus Juventas

Freshman Marlo Graham practices on the hoops. Graham has been in Circus Juventas for over nine years and will be performing in the Summer Show. "It does hurt, but it is all worth it because it is what I love and my passion," Graham said.

Photo submitted by Marlo Graham

Freshman Marlo Graham practices on the hoops. Graham has been in Circus Juventas for over nine years and will be performing in the Summer Show. “It does hurt, but it is all worth it because it is what I love and my passion,” Graham said.

Gitanjali Raman, Social Media Editor

Some people play soccer, others play hockey, but freshman Marlo Graham plays a role in a much more unique act. Graham participates in Circus Juventas, a performing arts youth circus school.

Graham spends 18 hours at Circus Juventas each week. “I do about 15 classes,” Graham said.

Graham has been participating circus for over nine years now. She has learned many tricks and act, her favorite acts include: high wire, bike, and triple trapeze. “I’m in the second highest level for [high wire].”

Now that Graham has been doing high wire for so long, “It just feels natural to me. I don’t even notice that I’m not on the ground anymore.”

Bike may sound simple, however it needs a lot of coordination and balance. “Bike is scary to learn at first. It’s my favorite act to perform in because it gets both you and the audience excited and keeps you in suspense.”

Overall, freshman Marlo Graham spends 18 hours a week at Circus Juventas.

Trapeze is a short horizontal bar hung by ropes or metal straps from a support. Trapeze can be done solo or with multiple people. Graham does her trapeze with three other people, hence the name triple trapeze. “Triple trapeze takes a lot of strength. You are holding another person above the ground by just your arms while doing elaborate tricks. You really need to trust your teammates and depend on each other,” Graham said.

Photo submitted by Marlo Graham
Freshman Marlo Graham on the bike top center). “Bike is scary to learn at first. You need to learn to work together and balance. It’s my favorite act to perform in because it gets both you and the audience excited.”

Circus is very special to Graham. “I like that circus makes me unique. Not a lot of people do circus and its always fun to explain to people what circus actually is and to watch their face when they say, ‘What do you mean you’re in a circus?’”

There are two shows at Circus Juventas. The May show which is for the beginner to intermediate students and the Summer show which is for the advanced students. “Everyone’s goal is to get into the Summer show,” Graham said.

Graham will be participating in the Summer show. Graham plays a character named “Holla” in Circus Juventas’ adaptation of Arabian Nights

“It does come with pain though. There is actually a trick where I have to dislocate my shoulders. It does hurt, but it is all worth it because it is what I love and my passion,” Graham said.