Judge Michael Davis to speak at Commencement

Photo submitted by: Gerri Rishel
Chief Judge Michael J. Davis will be the speaker at the class of 2015 commencement.
May 26, 2015
The commencement speaker of St. Paul Academy and Summit School’s 115th Commencement will be Chief Judge Michael J. Davis. Davis will be retiring as Chief Judge this year. He was appointed as Chief Judge of the District of Minnesota on July 1, 2008, becoming the first African-American federal judge in Minnesota. He graduated from Macalester College in 1969 and earned his law degree at the University of Minnesota in 1972. For his outstanding work as a lawyer, Davis received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Macalester in 2001. He has lectured at Oxford University and the FBI Academy.
His son, Michael Davis, graduated from SPA in 1999.